Wednesday, March 01, 2006

EXTRA EXTRA: 2006 Illinois endangered buildings list released; several Chicago structures are on the list

The 2006 Illinois endangered buildings list has been released by the Landmark Preservation Council of Illinois:

The Chicago buildings are:

Westinghouse High School
Pickford movie theater building on Michigan
The churches (formerly synagogues) of Douglas Boulevard
Pilgrim Baptist Church (an addition to this list due to its fire)

Your thoughts?

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pilsen is granted state historic landmark designation

While this is good news, and allows for many to renovate their homes/receive teax breaks, I am not sure how this will help with actual preservation? Does this keep buildings in Pilsen from being demolished? Input would help!

Let's discuss!

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

Monday, February 27, 2006

Crain's moves out-historic home comes down?

Crain Communications moved out of their long-time home at 747 North Rush Street back in 2001; throughout the move, they trumpeted how they were moving to the historic and newly-renovated London Guarantee Building over on Wacker, saving it from abandonment. Very soon, their equally historic Rush offices were slotted for demolition, confirming my theory that unless a building is landmarked, its future in Chicago is cloudy. Not only that, it seems hypocritical to tout this move as if they are preservers of architecture. Since 2001, the building has been "marketed" as for rent, all the while just sitting there with the infamous public notice sign (from 2002), signaling its impending demolition. All the while, happy tourists eat at Giordano's, a planned new tenant of the likely personality-less skyscraper that will replace these structures. If you look closely at the photo below, you will see the shadow of the sign for the Chicago Film Laboratory. Perhaps this was the home of one of the pioneers of the Chicago film industry? Mr. Archibleckture wonders what will come of these mothballed structures? Will a miracle happen, and another use found for them? I happen to think the buildings should be converted to condos.

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

Great news! Ravenswood landmark saved!

Mr. Archibleckture has some good news to report (for once)...The Ravenswood neighborhood's landmark Paul Revere Masonic Temple building at 1521 W. Wilson (at Ashland) has been saved by a local Vietnamese-American Buddhist congregation, which intends to renovate the space. The Truc Lam Buddhist Temple name is already up on the building.

This structure was deemed among the most endangered landmarks by the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois. All parties involved appear to be jubilant at its preservation. I simply cannot wait to see this building renovated!

Much love, Mr. Archibleckture