Friday, February 03, 2006

Hotel Dana @ 666 North State, 1891-2006?

The Hotel Dana is the latest in a long line of Orange-rated Chicago buildings on the path to demolition. It was constructed by a renowned architectural team (Patton and Fischer) back in 1891...Yet, demolition, here we come, as evidenced by these now infamous (to me anyway) public notice signs that seem to be popping up these days on 100-year-old buildings across the city. My feeling on this building's pending demolition is this: if this had not been used as a flophouse up until its closure it might have more of a chance at survival, but, as evidenced by its dirty condition, developers and city officials likely view this as an eyesore not worth saving. Which is a terrible shame, because it is a beautiful building. Even its neighbor, seen to the left, and also threatened, would be a gem if restored. Another high-rise hotel is scheduled to take its place.

This building was one of Preservation Chicago's Seven Most Threatened Buildings in 2005:

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

UPDATE: The Hotel Dana has been placed on the Demolition Delay hold list, which means demolition is imminent:

#100089471Date Received: 1/12/06Address: 660-666 N. State/ 6 W. ErieApplicant: Heneghan WreckingOwner: Lori DolinPermit Description: Demolition of a 4-story brick and 5-story brick building. Former Dana Hotel.Status: Under review

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Goodbye to the Artful Dodger building?

Sold to the highest bidder! Goodbye to another local landmark in doubt to be replaced by those Disney-version condos that are slowly but surely destroying neighborhoods from Pilsen to Edgewater to Bucktown. Link to Reader article will follow as soon as this week's edition goes online. Save the Artful Dodger building...the trendy threatened building of the moment!

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

UPDATE: Here is the link to the Reader article, as promised:

UPDATE pt. 2: The 90-day demolition delay is up for the building; it can come down anytime. But 1000s of people let their objections be known. Might it still be saved? Who knows. But now, it can suddenly be gone in the middle of the night...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Bernardin Building-What were they thinking?

The Bernardin replaced a wonderful art deco structure, The Cass Studios, at 747 Wabash, which was built in 1932. The older building had a human scale, and appeared to be the home of exclusive boutiques back in the day. Before its destruction, I went to the Subway restaurant located there; I used to buy cigarettes at its White Hen. It was not a renowned landmark, but was home to artists that contributed to the Chicago community. The Bernardin, with its faux historic details, is an atrocity that targets Chicago's rich (rents run $5,300/month). Its ground level has fake lamps, fake shutters that cover fake windows. Instead of real windows looking into apartments, these fake windows cover a parking garage. The entire building is covered in a vomit-colored stone. There is even an article on their Web site with the headline: "A piece of the suburbs right downtown." Just what us cityfolk can blame McCaffery Interests for this mess! Thanks McCaffery. And yuck...

The link to the building's official Web site is here:

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

Let me know what you think! Chicago's worst buildings are....

Comment here to let me know which buildings you feel truly mar the Chicago landscape-from the obscure to the renowned and infamous....I am curious to see what others think of Chicago's architectural blight! C'mon, it's fun! Join in the conversation! All are welcome.

Love, Mr. Archibleckture

Monday, January 30, 2006

Hello, and welcome to the dark side of Chicago's renowned architectural heritage

My goal for this blog is to depict the shitty architecture that is ruining the architectural heritage in Chicago today. See entire blocks of beautiful three flats demolished to make way for a Disneyfied version of our fair city!! High rises built from the same material replace structures familiar to generations of Chicagoans. Remember this: nothing is safe in this metropolis unless the tourists come here to see it! Beware.

Love, Mr. Archibleckture....